Saturday, November 20, 2010

"this is the porcupine's dilemma: how to get close without getting hurt. this is our dilemma, too. everyone of us carries our owl little arsenal. our barbs have names like rejection, condemnation, resentment, arrogance, selfishness, envy, contempt. (...) we, too, find ourselves hurting (and being hurt by) those we long to be closest to." - john ortberg (in, everybody's normal 'til you get to know them)


alexa violeta said...


Descobri agora o teu blog e já reparei que temos muitas coisas em comum: música, sentir a relva com os pés, a cor roxa! (e isto numa visita rápida aos teus arquivos) :) Vou adicionar-te à minha lista de preferidos!

um beijinho,

alexa violeta

Amanda said...

Wow, wow wow. . . really intricate heart!!

素敵なかわいい said...

Your work is really cute! lindo!

anacbrl said...

so very true.....